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Author: Joe McNeil

A group that represents Public Health Service officers who have assisted during natural disasters, in overseas fights against Ebola and recently on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic is seeking recognition on a veterans memorial at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian, arguing its members were unfairly left out.

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Native Americans are stepping up efforts to pressure Congress to revoke Medals of Honor awarded for the killings of Sioux, including unarmed women and children, at Wounded Knee.

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From Energy Dependence to Self-reliance: How Standing Rock’s Indigenous-led SAGE Development Authority Plans to Restore Balance with the Anpetu Wi Wind Farm

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By Jennifer Bendery:
The interior secretary is forming a commission to study the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, weeks after launching a unit to investigate cases.

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Today, April 22, 2021 SAGE Development Authority commemorates Earth Day. This year’s theme, “Restore our Earth,” aligns heavily with SAGE’s core values as an Indigenous-led organization devoted to fighting the climate crisis by serving as agents of climate jus

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SAGE’s General Manager Joseph McNeil, Jr. is a guest speaker at the second annual virtual Tribal Energy Roundtable hosted by Navajo Power. The topic of Mr. NcNeil’s session will be Tribal Utilities: Self-determination in Energy.

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